Friday, November 15, 2019

Types of Facial Treatments in Singapore

When you run across the jargon of facial treatments in Singapore, you realise it’s anything but easy to figure out what you need. They propagate at the speed of light. Every time you visit a salon, there is a bunch of new names you are not quite familiar with. But you can’t decide which procedure […]The post Types of Facial Treatments in Singapore appeared first on Ubiqi.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Teeth Whitening Guide: Professional vs At-home Techniques

Teeth whitening has come a long way since its inception. At first, it was carried out with stuff that sits around in the house like baking soda. And now it’s gotten to a point where you can pay a specialist to do it professionally with the help of expensive high-grade equipment. There is a lot […]The post Teeth Whitening Guide: Professional vs At-home Techniques appeared first on Ubiqi.